Thursday, August 15, 2013

Reflection About my thirty day camp

        When I first came to GLPS, everything was strange and I did not had many friends. Therefore, I made three goals to enjoy the life in GLPS, and learn a lot of good things.
     First, my goal was to make good friends, and to achieve that goal, I spent a lot of times with my friends. Therefore, I could reach that goal,and my best friends are Joyce, Jane, Catherine, and Ji Min, my roommate.
        Second, my goal was to get a lot of green card. To achieve that goal, I did all the home works in time except one time when I could not put a post in time, because I had to go practice for the presentation homework. Also I cleaned up my room, and try my  best to improve my skills of debating, presenting, blog writing, and physical education.
        Last, but not least, my goal was to get an award after GLPS. I will not be able to get an award, because I have exactly three yellow card, but I think not just a sheet of white paper written Hannah Sue Lee, and award, but improvement of my skills, and learning is the greatest award in GLPS.
      However, I have other goals to achieve.
         First, I want to get 10 green cards, and to achieve that goal, I will always try my best at doing things to get many green cards.
        Second, I will improve my debating skills. I know that I improved my debating skills, but I want to improve my debating skills more, and more.
        Last but not least, I want to improve my presentation skills and be an expert at debating, because during this camp, I knew that presentation is a very important thing to do, and presentation is really fun. To improve my presentation skills, I will do all the presentation home works, and practice, because if I practice I will be confident when I present.
        I could not achieve some goals such as getting an award. Which is a piece of paper written Hannah Sue Lee, but I achieved a goal that is way better then getting an award. I am happy that I realized that history presenting is fun, and I improved history presenting, debating, and blog writing skills. Also, I learned how to make, and be good friends.

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