Friday, August 9, 2013

Photo Essay Days in GLPS

 In the thirs week of the GLPS, I took one pictures a day., and I did a phpto essay whit the pictures. The pictures will show how much fun I had in my camp.

         I had to go to Min Jock with my fried, Joyce,       but , We accidentally went to Da san. Therefore, Me, and Joyce had to walk up a  hill to Min Jok again, but the good thing was that we weren`t late.

         Me, and my roommates all missed our last PA, so we were trying to send a message to her, but we could not. However, we be lived that our last room PA will miss us.

        Me and, my friends had to walk up to the long way up the hill to golf, and I was very tired. When I went to the place where I played golf, I was exusted.

     statue of a person on in this school. I realize that there was a statue of a person on in this school. Therefore, I was surprised.

         Me ad my friends had to memorize these sentences for Ken Do, and I had a hard time whit this.

         I think I never saw a sky that is so foggy like this, except, when me, and my family went to Je Ju island.
  Today was fogy too, and I felt sad. I think it is because of the weather.


  1. Hannah, I cannot see any photos... what happened?

  2. Hannah, Your photo is a blur in other computer!!
    Don't worry.....

  3. Great we have fixed your problem - great photo essay!! Keep up the good work :)
