Friday, July 26, 2013

Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee

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Hello, my name is Hannah Lee, and I am going to do a short self introduce. My Korean name is Lee Seung Hean. I am 13 years old, and I was born is Missouri, U.S.A, and lived there until I was 3 years old. Then, I came to Daegu, Korea with my family. Also, my family is made up of my mom Sue, dad Hue, younger brother Jamy, and younger sister Sally, and I like to draw, and play ice hockey. Also, I can speak three different languages. Korean, English,  and Chinese. However, I am still studying them. Also, I want to be a famous fashion designer like Gabriel Chanel, and Marcia Prada when I grow up, and my favorite singer is Micheal Jackson.

       I have goals to achieve during 30 days. Which, is during this camp.  My first goal in thirty days is to make good friends.  To achieve that goal, I will spend a lot of time with my friends, and be kind to my friends. For example, I will have lots of conversations, and find their interests. Which, I can know more. My second goal is to improve my English skills of speaking confidently, and debating. The reason why I have to improve my English skills is because I am bad at speaking confidently in front of a lot of people, and debating. Also This is my first time to debate. To achieve that goal I will speak English all the time, except math, and P.E, and do my home works. Last but, not least, I want to get an award when I end GLPS. To get an award, first, I will try my best to always speak English and, it is also to improve my English skills. Second, I will try my best to get as many as green cards I can get, and to get a green card, I will do something good. For example, I can clean my dormitory room with my roommate friends, and try to get many green cards. 
        I hope I can have a great time in this camp, and achieve my three goals, make good friends, improve my English skills of speaking confidently, and debating, and get an award, and I will always try to achieve my thirty days goals.